Monday, July 13, 2015

Visiting Vienna

I am in Vienna today, for attending an academic conference.

It took only hours from London to Vienna international airport.

The immigration check was quite simple.

Vienna is a cool city. The buildings are beautiful, and not so crowded compared to London.

I visited Sigmund Freud museum. It was a house and practice of Freud until the WWII. It was a tiny house.

Freud moved to London to avoid being captured by the Nazis. I would like to visit Freud's house in London later.

There are several wonderful building around Vienna. This is Hofburg, the imperial palace.

Maria Theresien Platz was also cute.

I ate Tafelspitz, boiled beef at Plachutta. It was delicious and rich tasted.

I love Vienna!

1 comment:

  1. Looks nice! I envy you. Many people recommend Kunsthistorisches Museum. Did you visit it?

